Posts by Rachel Sinclair
Schooled by an 8th Grader

A few Sundays ago, I was schooled by an 8th grader. In a Sunday school class where I was the teacher.

I could’ve been embarrassed, but I was actually so blown away by her insight, I didn’t care. (Props to God for reminding me that the Holy Spirit speaks through ALL believers, regardless of age or education!)

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Rachel Sinclair
Leaning In To God’s Word

On January 1, 2020, I decided to read through a chronological Bible in one year. Like everyone else, I had no idea how this year would turn out, but I am incredibly grateful that God laid it on my heart to be in His Word every single day.

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Rachel Sinclair
Special Moments in Ordinary Places

By mid-July, I was READY for a vacation.

Yes, I was looking for a getaway, but I was also hoping to find a sense of normalcy. My family has been visiting the same beach for years, and I wanted nothing more than to dig my feet into the sand, jump headfirst into the Gulf of Mexico and feel like I was on a normal summer beach trip. Not living in a pandemic.

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Rachel Sinclair
"Over" Time

Is anyone else tired of riding the Corona-Coaster? It reminds me of the time I went to Busch Gardens and only agreed to ride the one rollercoaster that didn’t go upside down, the Cheetah Hunt.

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Rachel Sinclair
It's a Good Time to Seek God

Isn’t it crazy how life can change so quickly? One minute we’re thinking about spring break trips, March Madness and busy season; next we’re locked up at home with a packed freezer, more canned goods than we’ve ever owned, and any & all toilet paper we could plunder from Walmart.

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Rachel Sinclair
Finding God in NYC

New York, New York! Mom and I had always wanted to visit New York City at Christmastime, and our wish finally came true! This city is overflowing with life, and two weeks before Christmas, it truly felt magical.

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Rachel Sinclair
Summer Break – The Grown Up Version!

“School’s… out for summer!” Are you singing along? I remember chanting this line in my head (with absolutely no idea who Alice Cooper was) during the end of my school days, dreaming of 90 degree afternoons at the pool and late nights in the backyard, playing flashlight tag and being eaten alive by mosquitos.

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Rachel Sinclair
Happy Nashvilleversary to Me!

It’s hard to believe I’ve lived here almost a full year. I took the picture below when visiting Nashville in April of 2017 on a spontaneous day trip. I remember loving this sign, loving the city and hoping with all my heart that I’d live here one day. And now I do!

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Rachel Sinclair
More Than a Baby

How would you respond if someone asked you to tell them the Christmas story? There are a lot of places where you could begin. I would probably start with Mary, the devout Hebrew young woman who was visited by an angel and told that she would become pregnant with the Messiah.

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Rachel Sinclair