A Millenial's Thanksgiving List 2019
Last year I published “A Millennial’s Thanksgiving List,” and you loved it! So I thought it was only fitting to continue this newfound tradition centered around deep gratitude and give you my list for 2019. Enjoy!
1. A Friend with the iPhone 11
As John F. Kennedy once said, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” And dear friends, I can’t think of a more fitting context than to apply this philosophy to than 21st century technology.
Are you still stuck on iOS 12? Trying to make it with a Motorola? Who cares! As long as ONE person in your friend group has that new dual-camera system, your social circle is set for the ‘gram. Use that one phone for all 500 pictures you take at an event, pop them in a shared album and you’re good to go.
Photo from my friend’s iPhone / selfies from my own phone
2. LaCroix
Go ahead, love me or hate me. However, I’m going to argue that this bubbly beverage is an exceptional alternative to soda––and as some might argue––regular water. I mean, with ZERO calories, ZERO added sugar and THE TINIEST bit of flavor, you might just convince yourself that your chilled lemon La Croix is frozen Minute Maid.
3. Gifs
And we thought emojis were the solution to avoiding personal interaction! Now you can have full-on conversations recycling reactions from fictional TV characters.
4. Grocery Pickup
Because––spoiler alert––Amazon Prime does not deliver fresh veggies 😩. I know! So on those rare Saturday mornings when I can’t leisurely peruse my local farmer’s market, I actually have to go to the grocery store. So vintage!
My new favorite way to shop for groceries is to order online and let them deliver everything straight into the trunk of my car. It’s like grocery store fairies do the work for you. Fantastic. (Come on, Walmart Pickup, won’t you sponsor my podcast? I’m sure you’re reading this!)
5. Podcasts
Because watching TV is so 2017! From murder mysteries to inspirational content, you’re sure to find something that gets you through your daily commute, hours in front of a computer or workout at the gym.
Need podcast recommendations? I’ve got you covered!
6. Local Coffee Shops
Contrary to popular belief, we Millennials do enjoy spending time with real, live humans. And there’s no better way to do so than over a vegan, soy-free, nut-free, sugar-free latte! (Also known as, “A black cup of coffee.”)
P.S. – My favorite local coffee shop in Franklin is The Coffee House at Second and Bridge. Get a regular coffee or chai tea latte. For a meal, try one of their crepes, and definitely get a dessert!
7. Personal Days
Let’s face it––doing the laundry and washing the dishes and keeping yourself fed and clean is HARD! Sometimes you have to take a rain check on real life and, in the wise words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, “Treat yo self.”
Thanks (pun intended) for indulging me on this quest for gratitude. Don’t forget to shave a few seconds off of your weekly screen time report by putting down the phone to reflect on what you’re thankful for… that is, AFTER you share this article with your friends ;). Happy Turkey Day!